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S.E.E.D. is a top-down government initiative that requires all facets of the local government to reevaluate their policies and procedures from the ground up. Too often, government programs have gravitated toward an enforcement first model. A violation or problem is identified and the first government action is often adversarial in nature.

S.E.E.D. redirects priorities so that solving problems with the least impact on everyone involved can be achieved. Many of our community problems can be better solved with this cooperative approach.

A real-world example is illegal dump sites. In many Distressed Communities, trash accumulation can be a significant problem. We found many cases where someone's property became a dumpsite without the permission or active participation from the homeowner/property owner. In many cases the homeowner was elderly or otherwise unable to correct the problem. Under an "enforcement" model, the local public works department would simply cite the homeowner. In many cases, such a fine could be devastating to an elderly or disabled homeowner. Often, the problem persisted and the homeowner was overwhelmed by ever increasing enforcement action by the government.

In a "Solution Environment," the first step is to evaluate the impact on the homeowner rather than simply issue a citation. In those cases where the homeowner is more victim than participant, alternative solutions are developed. In a successful program, we organized a community clean up where volunteers provided the manpower and local scrap dealers and waste disposal entities provided support at no cost. Often, their recovery of recyclable material offset their costs.  In addition, volunteers from churches, schools and other local organizations received service hours to help meet their personal commitments.

Most important, the problem was solved with the least amount of negative impact on everyone involved, including the government agencies.

S.E.E.D. works to create an environment where seeking mutually beneficial solutions is always the first option.

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