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Our Formula for Success

Why our program will succeed where so many others have failed is based on our understanding of the depth of the underlying problems.   For generations programs have taken a very simplistic approach to try and address an extremely complex issue. Anyone who believes there is a single cause for the problems facing our Distressed Communities is destined to repeat the failures of the past.

Traditional Response





Our Response





Our commitment to building community partners is not an easy process. Implementing our program will be one of the most intense commitments you have ever undertaken.  That is because we must address the true underlying causes rather than the emotional symptoms 


Much of our success comes because we simply refuse to fail.


First, we set aside historical stumbling blocks and resist age-old arguments while developing a new paradigm for working together.  We establish a prioritized list of obtainable desired outcomes.  We identify what resources and processes are necessary to achieve success. We put a plan in action with full knowledge that we will have to continually make adjustments to realize our outcomes.    


Our process is simple:

  • Define what we want to achieve

  • Get everyone on the same page and working together to achieve success

  • Exhibit the leadership, patience and determination to succeed at all costs 


It's more of a scientific journey as opposed to an emotional process. Once we decide where it is we want to go, we don't stop until we reach our destination.  Our program is designed to anticipate obstacles, adjust accordingly and create positive outcomes.


 Success is hard work.

I have not failed 10,000 times. I've successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.

Thomas Edison

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